The Limited Energy Apprenticeship Program Is
Currently Open For Applications.
Please see the information packet explaining the Limited Energy Apprenticeship program and processes.
To complete the online Limited Energy Apprenticeship Application, you must be able to upload all required documentation. If you have any questions, please contact Kristan at
You must complete all five steps. All applicants must be at least 17 years old to apply and 18 years old to begin the program. Individuals of all ethnicities, genders and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
- Diploma or GED: Proof of a high school diploma, GED, or Associate Degree or higher from an accredited educational institution.
- Algebra or Placement Test: (one of the following)
- Completion of one year of high school algebra, Integrated Math II, or equivalent with a grade of “C” or higher
- GED (2014 or newer) math score of 150 or higher
- Math placement test scores placing you into the second term of college algebra or higher
- NCRC WorkKeys Applied Math score of 5 or higher
- National Career Readiness Certificate WorkKeys Assessment Scores:
- Applied Math, Workplace Documents, and Graphic Literacy
- Copies of the Individual Score Reports for all three assessments must be submitted. We do not need the certificate itself, but the numerical scores you receive on each test. You may schedule an appointment to take the tests at any WorkSource Oregon center, Clackamas Community College – Wilsonville Campus, or Chemeketa Community College – Salem Campus.
- Additional Documentation: Optional documentation for additional points. Driver’s license, CPR Certification, DD-214, or Register Pre-Apprenticeship Completion.
I do not meet the algebra requirement. What can I do?
If you need assistance with the basics of algebra prior to taking your test, see Algebra Help and Math League. The following local community colleges offer placement testing:
- Portland Community College – place into Math 65 or higher
- Clackamas Community College – place into Math 65 or higher
- Chemeketa Community College – place into Math 70 or higher
- Mt. Hood Community College – place into Math 65 or higher
I am a veteran. Is the application process different for me?
Veterans may apply to the program at any time if they meet the minimum qualifications of the program and are:
- Members of the Regular Services who have been discharged from active duty service with a DD214 issued within 24 months indicating Honorable Discharge;
- Members of the Selected Reserve or Individual Ready Reserve with a DD214 issued within 24 months; or
- Members of the Oregon National Guard who are active or with a DD214 issued within 24 months.
Veterans do not receive direct entry into the program. Qualifying Veterans will be added to Applicant Group 1.
How can I prepare to take the WorkKeys NCRC test?
ACT offers free practice tests on their website that you can use to prepare.
WorkSource Oregon also encourages individuals to complete the Initial Skills Review (ISR) prior to taking the NCRC test, which is an indicator for potential success on the test. WorkSource Oregon also offers the Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN) courseware for individuals to improve their skills. Both of these tools are available by clicking here and registering in WorkSource Oregon Management Information System (WOMIS). From the main menu screen in WOMIS, select “Work-Related Skills Review and Free Online Lessons” to access the ISR and WIN courseware.
- The link for our online application can be found on our website at
- The required documentation must be uploaded to your application for submittal.
An interview link will be emailed to applicants upon verification of Steps 1 and 2. Applicants will have 3 days to complete the interview after receipt of the link.
There will be a monthly mandatory orientation via Zoom. Applicants who have completed Step 3 will be emailed a zoom link on Friday prior to the meeting. Meeting dates will be published on the website with the application link.
- Applications will be scored after Step 4 is completed. Scores are based on submitted documentation, WorkKey test scores, and interview scores.
- Applicants are placed into one of three groups depending on their score. Opportunities will be provided to increase your score if you place in group two or three. Placement notification will be sent via email.
Hiring criteria an employer might want:
- Valid driver’s license and driving record that meets liability insurance requirements.
- Pass a background check.
- Pre-employment drug screening test.
- Access to reliable transportation.
- No fear of heights or confined spaces.
When can I get hired?
The program does not place apprentices with employers. Instead, if you are placed in the top applicant group, employers may contact you for an interview. Applicants not placed in the top group may be hired by training agents participating in the EEO Partner program.
The Area I Limited Energy JATC shall not discriminate against apprenticeship applicants or apprentices based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, genetic information, or because they are an individual with a disability or a person 18 years old or older. The Area I Limited Energy JATC shall take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and shall operate the apprenticeship program as required under this Plan and Title 29 DFR, part 30.
“The apprenticeship program has provided me with an extra sense of drive when I get up in the morning because I LOVE what I do.”
– Brian, Second Year Class A Apprentice